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about me!

Welcome! My name is Fiona, and I am from Long Island, NY. I'm a college freshman at the University of Virginia, and I am currently planning to study economics and psychology (for now... I'm super indecisive). When school isn't filling up my time, I love to write. I have always been a writer at heart- both creatively and authentically. I started this project because I want to be more active in the pursuit of things that fill me- opportunities, inspiration, friends, love, and life. When I began taking psychology courses in college, I knew my passions lie in understanding people and the way we think, act, and feel. Additionally, I realized that I want to share all that I learn and experience with others, in hopes that they can (maybe) get something out of it. In summary, this blog serves the purpose of taking the psychology that I learn and applying it to both my and your lives to better understand how we are. I know you have at least one older person in your life telling you to "just do what you love," and I I know that taking the road less traveled on is probably very scary, especially when it is a less clear path to success and stability. However, no one young is telling you this, because it's easier to look back and wish you did things differently than to look forward and choose the path that is uncertain, even if it calls you. Writing calls me, and hopefully, I can be your young & relatable voice of reason and share all of the inspiration I encounter and lessons I learn on a day-to-day basis (with as few corny cliches as possible). I hope you do get something from this, and in whatever you're living through, you just keep it real, let things happen, and enjoy it all. 

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